Money Blog - Turning one note into another, part 1

I had a discussion the other week with an investor colleague who had just bought a note at a discount.  That discussion got me thinking, and those thoughts became this week's Money Blog entry.  I've changed the numbers to protect the innocent.  =)

This part seems simple, but it's just the setup for a more intriguing set of questions to come.  Stay tuned!

Say I've bought a note for $20,000.  The amount owed is $74,947.52, the collateral is worth $200,000, and there are no other notes or encumbrances on the collateral.  I feel good about having bought the note, because it satisfies my happy/happy/happy criteria. 

The terms of the note are as follows: 30-year amortization on a $78,500 original balance, at 7% interest.


a) What's the monthly payment on this note?

b) How many more payments are left in the note?

c) If the note continues to pay...